NSE Paints & Pigments Stocks : 1 Year Performance

Summary of paints and pigments stocks 1 year performance. Berger paints is the clear winner in this segment with 60% gain during past 52 weeks followed by Asian paints at 44%, Atul at 30%, Kansai Nerolac at 24%, Akzoindia at 18% and Kiriindus at 13%.

NSE Large-cap Financial Stocks Macd Charts

National Stock Exchange listed financial stocks (excluding banks) 6 months daily basis macd charts. Except HDFC and Lichsgfin all other stocks are in positive territory with macd above zero level. Gicre, Bajfinsv and Bajfinance, muthootfin, hdfclife, bajajhldng, cholafin, icicpruli, srtransfin, hdfcamc and sbilife are in good positive trend even though some weakness in last few …

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