NSE Monthly Gainers : April 2020 : Large, Mid and Small Caps Performance

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  • Post category:Stocks

Above image shows the monthly top performers in the large, mid and small cap stocks in the National stock exchange for the month of April 2020.

In large cap stocks MOTHERSUMI, INDUSINDBK, HINDALCO, BANDHANBNK, MUTHOOTFIN, ADANIGREEN, UPL, AXISBANK, HEROMOTOCO, RELIANCE, MARUTI, HCLTECH, CIPLA, ICICIBANK and BAJAJ-AUTO reported stellar performance in the month of April after a record crash in the previous month. In this group mothersumi is the stock performed well with more than 60% gain during the period even though it crashed heavily in the month of March. It was beautiful recovery for many such stocks like INDUSINDBK, HINDALCO, BANDHANBNK, MUTHOOTFIN with more than 40% gains.

In the mid cap stocks TATACOMM did a massive come back in April erasing all losses happened in the March with a 82% gain. Also stocks liek AUROPHARMA, GLENMARK, CESC, CREDITACC, AVANTIFEED, SRTRANSFIN and JINDALSTEL gained more than 50% during the month erasing most of the losses occurred in March. JUBILANT, SAIL, FLFL, SUNTV, MANAPPURAM, ITI and BHARATFORG also performed well in April 2020 with more than 40% gains.

In small cap two stocks – SADBHAV and DEN staged stellar recovery in the month of april with a gain of more than 70%. Other stocks like ASHOKA, HEG, ALKYLAMINE, NCC, IFBIND, GRAPHITE, HATHWAY, LAURUSLABS, TAKE, IBREALEST, RCF, STAR and FSC also performed well in April 2020 in the small cap category with gains more than 50%.

Overall April 2020 was a very good month for Indian as well as world markets after heavy selling in March 2020. But will this recovery sustain or not – that is the main question all investors and traders worry now because a massive crash followed by a massive recovery but the reason behind the crash is still alive and condition all over the world still not good and in India too corona covid-19 cases are rising every day and chance for a quick solution is still very remote. So be very careful with the current market as it can go down again any time.