30 Jan 2020 : Buyers vs Sellers Bids

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  • Post category:Stocks

PGHH, TATASTEEL, GSKCONS, WHIRLPOOL are with more than 10% buyers than sellers in the morning trade in large cap stocks.

In mid caps RAJESHEXPO, 3MINDIA, WABCOINDIA, SHRIRAMCIT, SOLARINDS, TIINDIA etc are with more than 20% buy bids compared to sell bids as of 10:30am.

In small cap first group stocks SUVEN, IEX, OMAXE, JKTYRE, CCL, INFIBEAM, RADICO, MAHLIFE, GREENLAM, TRITURBINE, DIAMONDYD, KIRLOSENG, AHLUCONT, MASFIN, VMART etc are trading with more buyers than sellers in the first hour trade.