Stock Idea : Morepen Laboratories

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Morepen Laboratories Limited (MOREPENLAB) is New Delhi based Indian pharmaceutical company established in 1984 and went public in 1993. Morepen manufactures and sells Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs), Diagnostics and Over-the-counter (OTC) drugs. Morepen has 3 manufacturing facilities and its major export markets are US and Europe.

Technically Morepen was very week for past few months but now a strong trend is starting in MOREPENLAB as per both Macd and Adx.

Morepen Daily Chart
Morepen Weekly Chart
Morepen last quarter standalone and consolidated sales and pat chart

Both in daily and weekly chart stock crossed 200 dma so more upside possible in the coming days/weeks.

June 2019 quarter result also was inline with expectations in both standalone and consolidated.