Ratnamani Metals & Tubes Ltd, Ahmedabad
Ratnamani Metals & Tubes Ltd is a leading company offering total piping solutions.
Ratnamani manufacturing facilities have state-of-the-art technologies and produces a wide range of stainless steel welded/ seamless tubes and pipes.
Registered & Sales Office :
Ratnamani Metals & Tubes Ltd
17, Rajmugat Society, Naranpura Cross Roads,
Ahmedabad - 380 013, Gujarat (India)
Telephone : +91-79-2741 5501/2/3/4
Fax : +91-79-2748 0999
E-mail: info@ratnamani.com
Stainless Steel Tubes & Pipes Division :
Survey No. 769, Ahmedabad ?Mehsana Highway,
P.O. Chhatral ?382 729, Ta: Kadi, Dist: Mehsana.
Telephone : +91-2764-232254 / 232263 / 233766
E-mail: info.sstp@ratnamani.com
There is a SAW Pipes Division at Gandhinagar, a division at Kutch and Ratnamani Technocasts division at Chhatral, Gandhi Nagar.
Web : http://www.ratnamani.com/