Jainson Cables, Chandarda
Jainson is a leading manufacturer and exporters of submersible pump cables, bore hole pump cable, bore well pump cable, sewage pump cables, flexible cable & welding cables.
Jainson Cables is a part of Jainson group of Industries.
Products : PVC 3 Core Flat Cables, PVC 4 Core Flat Cables, PVC 3 Core Round Cables, PVC 4 Core Round Cables, Rubber 3 Core Flat Cables, Rubber 4 Core Flat Cables, Rubber 3 Core Round Cables, Rubber 4 Core Round Cables, AWG Pump Cables, DRINCABLE, H07RN-F CABLES, Flexible Cables, Welding cables.
Survey No. 16, Plot No. 16/A & 16/B,
Ahmedabad - Mehsana Highway (SH 41),
Chandarda - 382 718.
Ta: Kadi Dist: Mehsana
Gujarat, India.
Phone : +91 - 2764 - 267700, 267701, 267702
Fax : +91 - 2764 - 267704
E-mail : sales@jainsoncables.com
Web : http://www.jainsoncables.com/