Integra Engineering, Halol
Integra Engineering India Limited (IEIL) offers a variety of engineering solutions for machining as well as sheet metal fabrication work for the power sector and transport sectors such as Power Converter, Traction Converter, Auxiliary Converters, Switching Devices, etc.
INTEGRA Engineering India Limited is an imperative fragment of INTEGRA Holding AG, Switzerland, having an extensive range of products, and a huge turnover.
Registered Office & Works:
INTEGRA Engineering India Ltd.
Post Box No. 55, HALOL - 389 350,
Dist. Panchmahals, Gujarat, INDIA.
Phone : +91 2676 221870, +91 909 9918 471
Fax : +91 2676 220887
Unit II Works
INTEGRA Engineering India Ltd.
HALOL - Champaner Road,
P.O. Chandrapura,Halol - 391 520.
Dist. Panchmahals, Gujarat, INDIA
Phone : +91 992 409 9268
Web :