GMM Pfaudler Limited, Karamsad
GMM Pfaudler Limited is a leading supplier of engineering equipments and systems in India. GMM Pfaudler is an ISO 9001:2008 company.
The product range of GMM Pfaudler include Glass Lined Equipment like Glass Lined Reactors, Pharma Series, Next Generation Mixing Systems, Glass Lined Vessels and Columns, Glass Lined Pipes and Fittings, Conical Blender Dryers and Pharma Glass PPG.
Registered Office & Works
Vithal Udyognagar,
Anand - Sojitra Road,
Karamsad- 388 325
Tel: +91 2692 230516 | 230367 | 230416 | 661700
Fax: +91 2692 661888 | 236467
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